GS Elemental

About Staff
Reena's Section
Flzames Section
Deviette's Section
Golden Sun Stuff
Golden Sun: The Lost Age Stuff
Interactive Stuff
Link me?

Music: (Acoustic Alchemy - Obbsession Confession)

This is the home page.





GS Elemental Version 3.0 ... shall be coming out very soon. I've been working for ages on it, and the new layout is starting to come together. Don't expect anymore updates on this version of GS Elemental, except maybe Deviette's Section for her story.


*thinks* And if it's anyone's birthday today, Happy Birthday.


Well after alot of typing and thinking (and moning from Reena) i've finally done it...I've updated my section!
also the layout is going through some changes so if you find anything odd don't worry about it, OK? and i've added a whole...1 bit of music that you can listen to but more will come...honist...
PS. This site may not be edited for ages because we are working on version.2 or 3...i can't remember...


Well hope you all had a merry xmas and new year...I did. Anyway I put some GA Art up in Multimedia there will be some more coming up soon, my section will be upated soon, and i've half sorted out the link page...


Updated the links page so it looks better... or not it seems Deviette deleted it... Oh well, I'll get her to put it back up. Got rid of the marbles following your mouse around. And I'm starting to work on GS Elemental V2. so soon that should be about...hopefully


Just to sort out the confusion, we're not dead. Honest! Reena is re-doing all the "Link Me?" banner thingies, Deviette is working on her story and uploading a load of GS Art, and I am typing this. ^_^


I've updated 'Deviette's Section' So go and check it out and Reena's done some stuff in Multimedia as well. I should do some more stuff on that but its not there yet but i'm doing it.


I changed the layout. It now looks really cool. Deviette did some stuff as well in!


Hi, added Deviette's section (got a cool story lined up for that)and multimedia but there isn't much in any of those yet. Put more sprites on and that's about it.


Yay! New avatars! New Staff member! Updated Reena's Section! Anyway, yes I HAVE finally updated my section from a boring non-working tagboard to a GAMES SECTION where you can play SHOCKWAVE GAMES!!! And our new Staff member will now be taking care of the sprites and (coming soon) multimedia. I, the Webmistress, will take care of everything else. Oh yeah, Flzames just hangs around.


We've just got a new member of staff as Reena's gone soft. Deviette's (Formally known as Me. That's her name. I'm not talking about myself.) site, Master's Sun, has just died so Reena, being the help-the-needy kind of person has decided to let her join our staff. And we're ALL gonna have new avatars so big cheer everyone! *looks around and sees no-one cheering* Um...anyway, the staff section is going to be updated and...*pulls collar of shirt*...that's it.


Been a while since I've updated. It's okay, I havn't DIED it's just that I had a load of schoolwork and such that I couldn't get round to updating. On the subject of dead sites, Masters Sun has just died so I'm deleting the link. Oh yeah, can people please, please, PLEASE sign my Guestbook. It's in the interactive section.


As you can see, the newest update is on the top now. And, -if it's worked- a new tune is up. I will change the background tune for my site every week unless stated otherwise! Oh yeah, I'm woring on something for the Interative section. It's a suprise. And I'm starting a Fanart page. Send them in! .gif or .jpg images only.


Added loads of buttons and banners in the "link me" section. :D Check it out! You can choose the one that fits your site best!


We now have a .tk address. Try to get as many people as poss. to get on my site because if at least 25 people don't visit my site, I won't be able to use the new address. PLEASE!!!

Reena-Click here (general stuff)
Deviette-Click here (Multimedia)
Please don't e-mail us unless its something useful
Also send your fanstuff to us too then we can put it up!!

We're part of:                                                                         Links:
                                                              Venus/Jupiter Lighthouses Golden Sun Syndicate  ImageShack